3322 S Union Ave Tacoma, WA, 98409 3138

Pet Surgery FAQs

It’s natural to have a lot of questions when your pet has to have surgery. Here at Union Avenue Veterinary Hospital in Tacoma, WA, we are happy to provide you with all the information you need to feel more confident about the care your pet will receive. Below are some questions and answers about pet surgery:

Pet Surgery FAQs

What Should I Expect before the Procedure?

Before any surgery, a veterinarian on our team will conduct a thorough exam of your pet. This may include blood tests, X-rays, and various other diagnostics to help ensure your pet is healthy enough for anesthesia and the procedure itself.

What Happens during the Surgery?

What exactly happens during the surgery will vary depending on the type of procedure your pet is having. No matter what, however, our veterinary team will seek to ensure your pet is safe throughout the operation. We monitor your pet during and after the surgery to help ensure his safety while also managing his pain.

How Can I Prepare My Pet for Surgery?

Proper preparation is key for a successful surgery and team will provide you with the steps you need to take before surgery. One of the most common requirements is fasting the night before the surgery.

What Post-Surgery Care Is Needed?

Aftercare is critical for a smooth recovery and our veterinary team will provide you with detailed instructions on what is required after you take your pet home. This typically includes when to administer medications, limiting physical activity, keeping any wounds cleaned and dressed, and watching for signs of infections or other complications.

How Can I Ensure a Successful Recovery?

A successful recovery relies on proper aftercare. That is why it is vital that you follow all the instructions given to you by the veterinarian. Your pet should be allowed to rest in a quiet, comfortable environment. You should also monitor him for any unusual symptoms, such as redness, discharge, or swelling, and make sure he does not lick or bite the incision.

Get Veterinary Care and a Pet Procedure/Surgery from a Veterinarian Near You

If you still have questions about a specific procedure/surgery or would you like to schedule a consultation for your pet, contact us. Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have about the services we offer. You can trust us at Union Avenue Veterinary Hospital in Tacoma, WA, to provide your pet with the level of veterinarian care he needs. Call us at (253) 383-2616 for veterinary care from a veterinarian near you.

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